Category Archives: ATC-recorder

Screen Recorder for 24×7 mission critical recording

Recording Human-Machine-Interaction: API-Recording vs ATG-Recording

The purpose of recording human-machine-interaction is that we can identify and fix causes of past problems so that these causes cannot happen anymore. These causes may either be on the human side or on the machine-side or in the combination of both.

In mission-critical systems you cannot afford to repeat (near-)accidents and (near-)disasters. Therefore you need to identify causes of such problems reliably the first time they happen. For that it is essential to use sufficient recording and logging that allows you to correctly reproduce all information required for such an analysis. Due to the importance of this, it is crucial to do this recording and logging correctly.

Recording human-machine-interaction is an essential component of a complete logging solution. Therefore it is important to do this correctly, too.

There are several methods for HMI-recording. (HMI is short for human-machine interaction.)

In this article I’ll pick two of them: API-recording and ATG-recording. These methods are both used in practice for recording human-computer-interaction. I’ll highlight the advantages and disadvantages of both methods, and provide a conclusion that may be surprising.

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New Release of DemoRecorder-24×7: Added Mouse-click and Keyboard Recording

There is a new release of DemoRecorder-24×7 with version number

DemoRecorder-24×7 is our screen recorder product for mission critical 24×7 recording.

It runs on systems using the X11-window system
which includes Linux and most Unix-like operating systems.

It is designed for use in areas like air traffic control and railway traffic control.
( see also our testimonials )

You can download the new version from:

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