Monthly Archives: December 2016

High Level Software Project Consoluting Service

From now on, I offer a high level Software project consulting service.

This means that I take a role outside of the in-the-trenches work of your project.
My contribution is to provide guidance and supervision, mostly at the meta level.
Being outside of the in-the-trenches work enables me to keep an overview and really see the whole thing.

E.g, I can help you with the following things:

  • Which people/experience/skills you need on your team
  • Helping you to become aware of the risks you are really taking when starting a software project. (and therefore hopefully you will assess whether you are really willing and capable to take that risk)
  • Helping you to find out whether a software project really solves the problem you are trying to solve with it.
  • Helping you to find out what you need to do before starting a software project even makes sense.
  • Helping you to explore options when a software project is off-track.
  • When involved on a regular basis: Help you to recognize the state and health of your software project.

In many cases my role will be to ask provocative questions that make you think about things you might not have been aware of before.

I am very confident that I can provide a valuable service, because:

  • I have 30+ years of experience in software development.
  • Experience with leading software projects. Both in my company and outside. With up to 10 people on the team.
  • Being directly involved in requirements engineering, and corrected the course of that when needed.
  • Extensive psychological knowledge and experience from 17+ years of psychotherapy and other activities.
  • Highly trained intuition when it comes to software projects. Including the human aspects of it.

My hourly rate for this service is US$ 200. (I may rise that fee later. So engage me while I am still at this level.)

We can do the consulting via Skype or on-site.
For on-site consulting you’ll also pay for travel cost and travel time.

All consulting has to be paid in advance.

More details provided on request. Just ask me.

New focus in my Business: Own products, High-level consulting, Physical Inventions

I have been preparing my business for a transition for some time now.

In short, I’ll focus and strengthen those areas of my business that work well and that are compatible with my mission and with my soul.
And I’ll phase out or stop the rest.

In details this means that I’ll focus more on the following:

  • I’ll focus more on my DemoRecorder-24×7 product. Which is a screen recorder for mission critical systems. This product is a long term committment. It is on the market since 20 years now. And I am determined to provide long term stability and maintenance for my clients.
  • I’ll create a high-level consulting service. Part of my mission is to help people to get answers to seemingly hard problems.
  • I’ll work on physical inventions. I already have written down many inventions. Now is the time to bring them to light and reap the harvest
  • I have another software product / business in the pipeline. But I keep this secret until the time is right to publicly announce this

This also means that I’ll reduce or stop the following activity:

  • I’ll stop the consumer version of DemoRecorder. It doesn’t make sense anymore to offer that. There are free software alternatives. And the market is so small that it does not make any economical sense to try to compete with these free software alternatives on a feature level.
  • I’ll stop writing software that I don’t own, i.e., I stop offering a software development service writing software for others. The writing is on the wall since about August this year that I should stop offering this service, even though I am very good at it.

    It doesn’t make sense economically anymore given all the other higher-level things going on in my business.

    And it also doesn’t make sense personally anymore. I am a creative person with a never ending stream of high quality ideas. It doesn’t make sense to implement other people’s ideas while I cannot keep up with getting my own ideas implemented. And my soul is sending me very intense signals that I should stop implementing other people’s ideas.

    Of course I’ll finish existing, active projects writing software for others. Emphasis on “active”.
    (I might even take small projects from time to time from customers that have treated me with respect, are calm and trustworthy and do not exert time pressure.)

    For customers who want to reactivate projects that they have suspended or stopped prematurely: I can offer my high-level consulting service to get you going with other developers, if needed.

Just returned from a trip to the US

I have just returned from a great business trip to the US.

In Chicago I have done several things to get a good and spiritually founded direction for my business.

I have done the following in Chicago:

  • a Sozo session with Margaret Nagib, which was an amazing experience.
  • have attended Perry Marshall’s “Memos from the head-office” seminar which was a great great great experience. It finally helped me to know what my mission is.
  • and more great things… (which I may or may not write about)

Chicagoland is a great place on earth.
It feels like what they call a “thin place”. Where you are more connected with God than in most other places.

People show that they love each other in all everyday transactions.
Great place, great people.

Then I went to another place in the US and visited a customer.
This is confidential, so I won’t write any more details about this here.

I’ll post more of the consequences of this trip.